
A simple implementation for sources from a website using Jsoup, an HTML parser.


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abstract val baseUrl: String

Base url of the website without the trailing slash, like:

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Default network client for doing requests. Implementations can override this property for custom OkHttpClient instances.

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Headers used for requests. Result of headersBuilder

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open override val id: Long

ID of the source. By default it uses a generated id using the first 16 characters (64 bits) of the MD5 of the string "${name.lowercase()}/$lang/$versionId".

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abstract val lang: String

An ISO 639-1 compliant language code (two letters in lower case).

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abstract val name: String

Name of the source.

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protected val network: NetworkHelper

Network service.

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abstract val supportsLatest: Boolean

Whether the source has support for latest updates.

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open val versionId: Int

Version id used to generate the source id. If the site completely changes and urls are incompatible, you may increase this value and it'll be considered as a new source.


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protected open override fun animeDetailsParse(response: Response): SAnime

Parses the response from the site and returns the details of a anime.

protected abstract fun animeDetailsParse(document: Document): SAnime

Returns the details of the anime from the given document.

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Returns the request for the details of a anime. Override only if it's needed to change the url, send different headers or request method like POST.

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protected abstract fun episodeFromElement(element: Element): SEpisode

Returns a episode from the given element.

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protected open override fun episodeListParse(response: Response): List<SEpisode>

Parses the response from the site and returns a list of episodes.

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protected open fun episodeListRequest(anime: SAnime): Request

Returns the request for updating the episode list. Override only if it's needed to override the url, send different headers or request method like POST.

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protected abstract fun episodeListSelector(): String

Returns the Jsoup selector that returns a list of Element corresponding to each episode.

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open override fun fetchAnimeDetails(anime: SAnime): Observable<SAnime>
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open override fun fetchEpisodeList(anime: SAnime): Observable<List<SEpisode>>
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open override fun fetchLatestUpdates(page: Int): Observable<AnimesPage>

Returns an observable containing a page with a list of latest anime updates.

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open override fun fetchPopularAnime(page: Int): Observable<AnimesPage>

Returns an observable containing a page with a list of anime. Normally it's not needed to override this method.

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open override fun fetchSearchAnime(page: Int, query: String, filters: AnimeFilterList): Observable<AnimesPage>

Returns an observable containing a page with a list of anime. Normally it's not needed to override this method, but can be useful to change the usual workflow and use functions with different signatures from searchAnimeRequest or searchAnimeParse.

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open override fun fetchVideoList(episode: SEpisode): Observable<List<Video>>
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protected fun generateId(name: String, lang: String, versionId: Int): Long

Generates a unique ID for the source based on the provided name, lang and versionId. It will use the first 16 characters (64 bits) of the MD5 of the string "${name.lowercase()}/$lang/$versionId".

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open suspend override fun getAnimeDetails(anime: SAnime): SAnime

Get the updated details for a anime. Normally it's not needed to override this method.

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open fun getAnimeUrl(anime: SAnime): String

Returns the url of the provided anime. Useful to fix "open in webview" without overriding getAnimeDetails.

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open suspend override fun getEpisodeList(anime: SAnime): List<SEpisode>

Get all the available episodes for an anime. Normally it's not needed to override this method.

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open fun getEpisodeUrl(episode: SEpisode): String

Returns the url of the provided episode.

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open override fun getFilterList(): AnimeFilterList

Returns the list of filters for the source.

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open suspend fun getLatestUpdates(page: Int): AnimesPage

Get a page with a list of latest anime updates.

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open suspend fun getPopularAnime(page: Int): AnimesPage

Get a page with a list of anime.

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open suspend fun getSearchAnime(page: Int, query: String, filters: AnimeFilterList): AnimesPage

Get a page with a list of anime.

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open suspend override fun getVideoList(episode: SEpisode): List<Video>

Get the list of videos a episode has. Videos should be returned in the expected order; the index is ignored.

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protected open fun headersBuilder(): Headers.Builder

Headers builder for requests. Implementations can override this method for custom headers.

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protected abstract fun latestUpdatesFromElement(element: Element): SAnime

Returns a anime from the given element. Most sites only show the title and the url, it's totally fine to fill only those two values.

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protected abstract fun latestUpdatesNextPageSelector(): String?

Returns the Jsoup selector that returns the tag linking to the next page, or null if there's no next page.

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protected open override fun latestUpdatesParse(response: Response): AnimesPage

Parses the response from the site and returns a AnimesPage object.

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protected abstract fun latestUpdatesRequest(page: Int): Request

Returns the request for latest anime given the page.

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protected abstract fun latestUpdatesSelector(): String

Returns the Jsoup selector that returns a list of Element corresponding to each anime.

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protected abstract fun popularAnimeFromElement(element: Element): SAnime

Returns a anime from the given element. Most sites only show the title and the url, it's totally fine to fill only those two values.

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protected abstract fun popularAnimeNextPageSelector(): String?

Returns the Jsoup selector that returns the tag linking to the next page, or null if there's no next page.

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protected open override fun popularAnimeParse(response: Response): AnimesPage

Parses the response from the site and returns a AnimesPage object.

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protected abstract fun popularAnimeRequest(page: Int): Request

Returns the request for the popular anime given the page.

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protected abstract fun popularAnimeSelector(): String

Returns the Jsoup selector that returns a list of Element corresponding to each anime.

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open fun prepareNewEpisode(episode: SEpisode, anime: SAnime)

Called before inserting a new episode into database. Use it if you need to override episode fields, like the title or the episode number. Do not change anything to anime.

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protected abstract fun searchAnimeFromElement(element: Element): SAnime

Returns a anime from the given element. Most sites only show the title and the url, it's totally fine to fill only those two values.

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protected abstract fun searchAnimeNextPageSelector(): String?

Returns the Jsoup selector that returns the tag linking to the next page, or null if there's no next page.

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protected open override fun searchAnimeParse(response: Response): AnimesPage

Parses the response from the site and returns a AnimesPage object.

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protected abstract fun searchAnimeRequest(page: Int, query: String, filters: AnimeFilterList): Request

Returns the request for the search anime given the page and filters.

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protected abstract fun searchAnimeSelector(): String

Returns the Jsoup selector that returns a list of Element corresponding to each anime.

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Assigns the url of the anime without the scheme and domain. It saves some redundancy from database and the urls could still work after a domain change.

Assigns the url of the episode without the scheme and domain. It saves some redundancy from database and the urls could still work after a domain change.

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protected open fun List<Video>.sort(): List<Video>

Sorts the video list. Override this according to the user's preference.

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open override fun toString(): String

Visible name of the source.

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protected abstract fun videoFromElement(element: Element): Video

Returns a video from the given element.

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protected open override fun videoListParse(response: Response): List<Video>

Parses the response from the site and returns a list of videos.

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protected open fun videoListRequest(episode: SEpisode): Request

Returns the request for getting the video list. Override only if it's needed to override the url, send different headers or request method like POST.

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protected abstract fun videoListSelector(): String

Returns the Jsoup selector that returns a list of Element corresponding to each video.

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protected open override fun videoUrlParse(response: Response): String

protected abstract fun videoUrlParse(document: Document): String

Returns the absolute url to the video url from the document.

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protected open fun videoUrlRequest(video: Video): Request

Returns the request for getting the url to the source video. Override only if it's needed to override the url, send different headers or request method like POST.